
Discover more about Adulation Intellectual Outputs by clicking on the below single titles!

In this output the Political Dimension of Adult Education meaning the integration of political dimension into the adult and community educators’ work is analysed in partners countries. The political dimension of the model encompasses the following competences: 1. Linking policies and educational programmes, 2. Integrating political values and beliefs in the context of the adult and community educators’ work, 3. Supporting learners in developing political thinking, 4. Applying democracy and human rights principles.

These topics are analysed in each partners country and support the development of educational material for competence development of Adult Educators.

Link to the full ADULATION Research Study.

A Handbook of good practices and tools focused on human resource management of adult and senior coordinators and volunteers when implementing European Citizens’ Initiatives.

Link to the Adulation Handbook 

Practical tools for Adult & Community Educators to be used to enhance civic engagement in adults and seniors.

Innovative education methods ( PhotovoiceEducational animationStorytelling and Kahoot! quizzes) will be used  to foster interest in the following topics:

    1. Human Rights and Climate Change
    2. The right of the EU Citizens to Data protection and online privacy
    3. Immigration and tolerance to difference
    4. Euroscepticism

Link to the “Adulation Training Toolkit”

A collection of social media tools and procedures to enable adult educators and adult learners to run successful online campaigns on issues that affect adult learners and the societies they live in, thus fostering social change.

Link to the ADULATION Toolkit for successful online campaigns